After about a year of harrassing me to post this or post that on MY personal blog, Miss ... make that Mrs. Johnson now, has decided to start her own personal soap box. You can visit it here: often, comment even more, or feel the wrath of the Jenster!
YEAH! New Bloggers! I was getting bored with you anyway! LOL Just kidding:) I don't think I said congrats on the wedding.... I was kind of out of the loop for a while. I will jump on over and introduce myself on her blog. Oh... and I never got an answer about what WoW server you are on.... My lvl 55 is impatiently looking for now friends! LOL
.. and on the seventh day, JFragment discovered the archive setting in blogger ..
.. and the world saw that it was good ..
Archiving is for suckers.
crusing thru and saying hi.
be good, be safe... :D :D
DaGuNNer... ~eM
Step away from W.O.W., and return to the world where your other friends reside.
What's this I hear you take 2 hours for lunch just to go home and play W.O.W.??? Now I KNOW I'm never touching this game ever.
#do you want sex with me link,2746,2748,2749,2750 and make a member
#do you want sex with me link,2746,2748,2749,2750 and make a member
#do you want sex with me link,2746,2748,2749,2750 and make a member
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